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Kairos Global






Kairos Global is a missions organization that exists to train and send long-term missionaries into the unreached regions of the earth to boldly proclaim the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are a priestly community committed to loving Jesus and advancing His Kingdom. We will give ourselves to standing before the Presence of God in agreement with His word and courageously bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth.


We are committed to prayer, reaching the lost, and to living as forerunners, spiritually preparing for the unique dynamics of the glorious return of Jesus on the earth. The work of our ministry includes training and sending out missionaries who work to see revival within the Church and a harvest among the unreached.

Our Values


We desire to minister to the Lord day and night through worship and prayer. We seek to move beyond normal prayer meetings to inspire and nurture a culture of prayer (Luke 18:7-8; Acts 6:4; Eph 5:18-20; Col 3:16; Rev 5:9).

Missions exists because worship doesn’t (John Piper). The primary goal of missions is that the Lamb who was slain may receive the reward of His suffering. The reason for missions, then, is to produce a worshipping people out of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation who have been redeemed to God through the blood of Jesus. In other words, neither the task of world evangelization nor the Great Commission should be reduced to being only quantitive (in numbers of conversion), but also qualitative (in depth of discipleship). (Matt 28:18; Eph 4:11-16; Rev 19:7-8).

Worship-based prayer is necessary in finishing the task of world evangelization. God is raising up a prayer movement that is deeply connected to the missions movement. Prayer for missions with music and from deep relationship with God is one of God’s primary strategies for reaching the unreached. The Church must recognize again this necessary convergence of missions and prayer in finishing the task of world evangelization. Ultimately, the singing Church, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, is the primary vehicle and means by which God’s plan of evangelization will be accomplished. (Matt 9:37-38; Acts 13:2-3)

Ministry of the Word & Prayer

The Bible is the only eternal, infallible, unhindered, and inspired Word of God and as such, we desire to diligently study the Scriptures for private devotion and public proclamation (Matt 24:35; Ps 12:6; 2 Tim 2:9; 2 Tim 3:16).

Studying the Bible is critical to our walk with the Lord. But it is not enough to study the Bible-we must talk to God as we study. Bible study is meant to lead us to conversation with God by giving us “conversational material” for our prayer life. It provides the language we use as we talk to Him. Using the Bible and speaking the Word back to God make prayer easy and enjoyable. The Word of God provides us the framework, guidance, confidence in His will, and language for prayer.

The early disciples not only studied and preached the Word of God, they prayed the Scripture. In fact, while the apostles were wrestling to find a solution in the midst of the growing pains of the church in Jerusalem, they emphatically declared they must continually give themselves to the ministry of the Word and the ministry of prayer as their priority (Acts 6:4).

Unreached and Unengaged People Groups

While we recognize that not all believers are specifically called to engage the unreached peoples of the earth, we prioritize the unreached, unengaged people groups of the earth in our mission to finish the task of world evangelization (Matt 24:14; Rom 15:20).

Through the leadership of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and the concerted and united effort of the Church to proclaim the good news everywhere, the task of evangelizing the world in this generation is possible. (Matt 24:14; Acts 1:8).

The task of world evangelization will be complete only when the Gospel is proclaimed to every ethno-linguistic people group -no matter the size. Simply reaching the largest people groups is not enough. We must reach every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. (Matt 24:14; Rev 7:9).

Forerunner Ministry

We believe that we are quickly approaching the glorious Day when Jesus will return as the King of the earth. IN these last days, we believe that the Lord will raise up forerunner messengers who proclaim the truth of the Blessed Hope. As such, we believe that a pre-millenial, post-tribulational understanding of God’s plan in the last days is crucial for our personal lives, but also our missions strategy.

Being anchored in the biblical narrative of the end times gives God’s people perspective and faith, bringing His peace to our souls and giving us confidence to continue to grow in love and share Jesus’ love with others. History ends with all the nations coming together to make war against Israel leading to Jesus’ return to deliver Israel and destroy her enemies.

At the heart of the forerunner message are two great polarizing events: the greatest revival ever seen in human history, and the most intense acceleration of darkness and judgement ever seen in history- and they will occur in the same generation. In addition, there will be unique dynamics connected to both the positive and the negative activities and trends, escalating to unprecedented levels. (Rev 22:17).

What We Do

“Present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”


The two greatest commandments are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Learn God’s heart for you and your identity as a son or daughter of the King. All of your life and ministry flow from knowing God’s love for you and loving Him back.


Learn to obey God’s word through studying the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit. Grow in Biblical knowledge of key doctrines, practice using the gifts of the Spirit, and obey the Great Commission, making disciples of every people group.


Learn how to represent Jesus and communicate the gospel in the midst of different cultural values, methods of communication, and expressions of church life with humility.

Joy and Gratitude

Learn to rejoice in suffering and give thanks in all circumstances. Boldly preach the gospel, while serving humbly and enduring with a joyful spirit.

Our place to meet God

Prayer releases God’s power. As we pray, God opens doors to share the gospel and opens hearts to receive it.

We give substantial time every week to corporate prayer, worship, and intercession. We believe that as we pray God transforms us and transforms the spiritual environment around us.

The house of prayer is our place to meet God, to receive from Him, and to minister to Him.

We share the gospel and plant fellowships

We share the gospel, teach people about Jesus and his commands, baptize them, and show them how to walk with Him, so that they can then do the same for others. 

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1312 S 33rd St. Fort Pierce, Florida 34947